Liberty Watch Episode 18: Guaranteed Jobs for All

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Guaranteed Jobs for All

Outline of proposal thin on details

Provide a $15/hr job AND health benefits or training “for all who want or need one.”

What happens to those making $10/hr at current job?

What happens to employees only worth $8/hr?

Effect on small businesses who can only pay $10/hr?

Will have to be funded by taxpayers

1.              Borrow the money- tax on future generations

2.              Increase taxes today

3.              Force costs on business- individuals will pay through price inflation

Businesses will either

Get a taxpayer funded subsidy

Lose employees

Pay the $15/hr plus health insurance

Layoff employees to meet payroll

Go out of business- will favor big business

II.            Dark Chocolate Please

A new study at Loma Linda University in California show dark chocolate good for health:  The darker the chocolate, the better it is for your health: Bars with more than 70% cacao do wonders for your mind, heart and immune system – and the benefits increase the higher you go

A new study by Loma Linda University is the first to assess specific benefits of cacao levels in something as small as a chocolate bar

They found anything over 70% cacao was much more beneficial than any less

The higher the concentration of cacao, the more beneficial the chocolate was.

Cacao is rich in flavanols – antioxidants found in fruit and vegetables that dampen inflammation.

People who ate chocolate every day were found to have better attention spans, working memory, ability to process speed and verbal fluency.

Experiments showed a daily hit of chocolate for elderly people improved their brain function.

The benefits were most pronounced in those people who had already started to show signs of memory decline or mild cognitive impairment that can lead to Alzheimer’s.

III.          Virgin Ban


From a fox news article entitled “Couple caught having sex on transatlantic flight, woman banned from airline.”

A transatlantic restroom dalliance aboard a Virgin Atlantic flight ended with the woman involved banned from ever again flying on the airline.

According to reports, the cabin crew aboard a March 13 flight that departed from Gatwick Airport in London en route to Cancún, Mexico were furious to find a man and woman – both in their late twenties – having sex in the economy cabin bathroom.

Minutes later, the rowdy woman got into a spat with her female traveling companion and reportedly threw drinks around the cabin.

A Virgin Atlantic spokesman confirmed to Fox News that the woman was not banned “as a result of one incident,” but for “repeatedly refusing to comply with crew requests, and for disruptive behavior throughout the flight.”

 Government Sins

A.             Gas Tax Raiders

From an article in Forbes Magazine entitled “The Gas Tax Doesn’t Work Because Politicians Broke It.”

…the gas tax’s problems started when Congress raided the trust fund to keep the government solvent. In 1990 Congress approved an increase in the gas tax but allotted only half of the new revenue to building projects. The other half was dedicated to deficit reduction – which then, as now, was all the rage. In 1993 Congress approved another gas tax hike and again devoted some of the revenue to deficit reduction.

B.             Government Recycling Programs Wasteful

From the article “Government Recycling Programs Waste Valuable Resources.”

… The government tells us we must recycle all kinds of stuff: bottles, cans, paper, plastics etc. They say that recycling reduces the number of products made from natural resources, which means more resources are conserved and our energy costs are lower.

… Our objective is to minimize the use of resources (including energy) in the manufacturing process for all products. In order to achieve our objective, we must be guided by market prices, without exception. As long as prices are allowed to freely adjust to changes in supply and demand, resources will be allocated to their most highly valued uses, and resource conservation will be maximized. The capitalistic process of profits and losses ensures these outcomes.

Economics of Recycling

In an unhampered market, if it is profitable to manufacture products by recycling plastics, bottles, paper etc., then it will be done, and firms might even pay us to take away our empty containers. However, if such a business is not profitable, then these items would simply be included in our regular household garbage. And by the way, we are NOT running out of landfill space.

… To determine the viability of a recycling enterprise, a free market firm must balance the cost of committing resources (labour, trucks, machines, recycling plants) to the task of recycling against the revenue it receives for its recycled products.

… if the firm does not believe the enterprise would be profitable, it will not proceed with recycling… This is the point constantly overlooked by the public when governments involve themselves in recycling. In our rush to conserve resources, we forget that resources are required for the task of recycling, and we just assume the government is doing the right thing.

… the price for recycling often tends to soar far higher than the combined cost of manufacturing from raw materials and virgin sources and dumping rubbish into landfills. To recycle waste is to use twice the energy and create twice the pollution from factories, trucks, and by-products.

… This is typical of most regulations at every level of government: (1) use propaganda to convince people of the need for a particular program in order to attract votes, then (2) use whatever resources are required to implement and maintain the program, regardless the waste.


C.             Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment

From “Twenty years ago today, America apologized for Tuskegee syphilis experiment.” Article dated May 16, 2017.

… In the fall of 1932, the flyers began appearing around Macon County, Ala., promising colored people special treatment for “bad blood.” “Free Blood Test; Free Treatment, By County Health Department and Government Doctors,” the black and white signs said. “YOU MAY FEEL WELL AND STILL HAVE BAD BLOOD. COME AND BRING ALL YOUR FAMILY.”

… Hundreds of men-all black and many of them poor – signed up. Some of the men thought they were being treated for rheumatism or bad stomachs. They were promised free meals, free physicals and free burial insurance. What the signs never told them was they would become part of the “Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male,” a secret experiment conducted by the U.S. Public Health Service to study the progression of the deadly venereal disease-without treatment.

… The researchers never obtained informed consent from the men and never told the men with syphilis that they were not being treated, but were simply being watched until they died and their bodies examined for ravages of the disease.

… Although originally projected to last six months, the study extended for 40 years. “Local physicians asked to assist with study and not to treat men,” the Centers for Disease Control reported in a timeline of the experiment. “Decision was made to follow the men until death.”

… In 1945, according to the CDC timeline, penicillin was “accepted as treatment of choice for syphilis.” The U.S. Public Health Services created what they called “rapid treatment centers” to help men afflicted with syphilis — except the men in the Tuskegee study.

D.             Why is the State Cruel and Incompetent?

1.              Lack of market forces

a)              No competition

b)              Jobs Program, Hard to end the jobs, constituency created

c)              Success not a requirement

Hillary is Back

E.              Interview with Julia Gillard

1.              Former Prime Minister of Australia

2.              Labor Party

F.              Play video segments

G.             Claims in Interview

1.              Clinton:  “There is still a very large proportion of the population that is uneasy with women in positions of leadership.”

2.              Gillard:  “It just dismayed me that for you this ended up with chants of lock her up or string her up at republican rallies.  String her up.  It is like the Salem witch trials again.”

3.              LMV comments

a)              Clinton refuses to acknowledge the real reason she lost- she was a really awful candidate.  She wants to blame her loss on being a woman.  That had nothing to do with it.  She is no Margaret Thatcher.

b)              The law regarding sensitive high security government information does not state that you must have willful intent to misuse the data.  If you are CARELESS with the information you are guilty.  Anyone else would have been severely prosecuted under the law.

c)              Gillard is typical leftist, makes up “string her up” chant.

(1)            Youtube and google search turns up no such chant